Right Way to Choose Mirror for your Modern Bathroom

 The attention Bathroom Mirrors deserve is often overlooked; apart from the basic functionality, they perform the crucial role of defining your lifestyle and aesthetic appeal. Depending upon the décor, illumination, size, angle, functionality, and hardware utilized you could be either a minimalist, futurist, or luxury-oriented.

So here are the factors that must be taken into consideration while choosing the Bathroom Mirrors thereby making them reflect your particular lifestyle.


After selecting the lifestyle the next important question that arose is the purpose of the Mirror since the correct mirror can contribute to spacious perception or an increment in illumination or the Designer Mirror could play the role of complement design with respect to the walls.


Once the lifestyle and purpose are defined it’s an easy journey down the road. The size of both the bathroom and mirror is important in its own rights.

In case of length and breadth- If you want to give a spacious perception to the bathroom then get hold of a Full Length Mirror in the open space of the bathroom. For an increase in the bathroom lighting, a correct distance from the lightning source must be considered, so that the Glazonoid Bathroom Mirrors may reflect the primary source to further illuminate the bathroom as a natural secondary source.

While in the case of height- A high ceiling bathroom requires a vertical or Full Length Mirror and in a low ceiling, a horizontal mirror equidistant from the sink and ceiling would suffice.

From an aesthetic point of view, the mirror size should be either equal to or smaller than the size of vanity. In conclusion, mirror size should be proportionate to the size of the bathroom (length, breadth, and height).


Although there is no there is no thumb rule in how the mirror should be hanged but in general, the sink size, height of the user (s), size and shape of the mirror, height of the ceiling, bathroom vanity height are the few factors that must be taken into consideration while hanging the mirror.

Keeping these factors in mind the mirror should be angled to accommodate the tallest and shortest user(s) — the mirror should be a few inches above the eye level for the tallest user and hang low enough, a foot above, such that the other people can use it without a fuss.

Numbers Game

The last blockade in your journey is the number of mirrors your bathroom required, depending upon the aforementioned factors it could be numerous for some individuals, and for the other individual a single Designer Mirror would suffice.

Hope this article helped you in any shape and form in the selection of correct bathroom mirrors in synchronizing with your lifestyle. At the end of the day, it’s you who would be using your own Bathroom Mirrors.

This blog is originally posted in https://medium.com/@priyanka.glazonoid/right-way-to-choose-mirror-for-your-modern-bathroom-580a046e1a1b


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