Different Types of Mirror| How to Use Them Efficiently | Home Decor

Mirror showcases great capabilities that can be updated to serve a greater function in enhancing the look of any room and home design.

We have compiled a list of different types of mirrors and how to use them effectively for decoration purposes so that you could find out the correct mirror design for your home décor.

1. Plane Mirrors

Google Mirror results are filled with legion upon legion of good old plane mirrors, these simple art pieces can be hanged to reflect light and draw attention towards particular furniture or a wall you fondle in your whole home design.

2. Spherical Mirrors

If you are tired of plain shapes, a spherical mirror might appease you. Spherical mirrors can be curved inward (concave) or outward (convex).

2A. Concave

Concave spherical mirrors are perfect for your bathroom or as vanity furniture, due to their innate nature of enlarging the reflective object.

2B. Convex

The convex spherical mirror shapes are known for their properties of encompassing large views, they are a perfect fit for an outdoor or entrance.

3. Antique Mirrors

If you are an old-fashioned appreciator, mirrors featuring tints and coatings give an antique outlook, a great choice that complements elegant furniture.

4. Customized Mirrors

If the aforementioned mirrors don’t fit your criteria, then the resilient nature of Custom-cut mirror design may resonate with you.

Add unique customized mirror décor furniture in a hallway or living room that will catch the eye of any viewer.

If you want to add space to your home without the hassle of renovation, place a large custom-made floor-to-ceiling mirror in a strategic place to give an illusion of more space.

Which way two-way or one-way?

Add an extra layer of extravagance in bathroom space with a clear glass laminated two-way (transparent) Mirror or if you have a shy and reserved personality add additional safety by custom backing them with taint material.

5. Smart mirrors

If you have a nerdy orientation, then get par with the latest technology embedded mirrors with high-end functionality of zoom-in and after-shower droplets removal techniques.

Furthermore, the Led Mirror utilizes energy efficiently in turn conserving the environment.

6. Furniture Mirrors

Although technically speaking they are a subset of customized mirrors, but their impact on home décor would be an understatement which compelled us to discuss them separately.

Mirror designs in the form of small art pieces are perfect tools for decoration purposes.

This blog is originally 

posted on https://medium.com/@priyanka.glazonoid/different-types-of-mirror-how-to-use-them-efficiently-home-decor-648829cdc86f



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